72-100dpi coloured sketch
I am open for digital commissions. I will provide original resolutions to you and publish web-sized versions online. You may share the versions I publish, but do not repost them unless I give permission. You can learn more about my commission policy here.
I can provide alternate copies (ie. without a background, if it qualifies) if you wish. I may send early sketches so as to determine if I am on the right track. The time it takes for me to do something can vary, please be patient~.
Broadly speaking, these serve as the base price/detail level for an overall piece. Prices may vary depending on the detail of the character, and will be discussed as necessary. Background pricing can be seen in the following section.
The following prices are based on a single character. Extra characters or frames are the same price again.
Background detail can be a complicated thing to judge, and is more likely to be discussed with you. However here are some examples to give an idea of my price point. Zero background (or minimal colour) is free.
While I am fond of painterly pictures, they are a lot of time and work. As a result, while I am open to the idea of doing them by commission, I am currently limiting it to single-character pieces. These pieces include a background.
I will draw any of the subjects I publish to this website — if I'm willing to post it on here, I am likely open to drawing it for commission. This covers general audience and "PG" level stuff, including "kink" content, as long as it remains to some extent cartoon safe. Feel free to ask if you're unsure.
If it's not posted on here, even if I've posted it elsewhere, I'm not likely open to commission of it. This covers the likes of explicit sexual content or explicit nudity.
Additionally, I reserve the right to refuse business without giving reason.
I can be contacted by email (when I work out good anti-spam measures), or by the applicable services on the about section on the front page.