Lets Play OCs

Myself and Trask have lately been doing something of a lets play-type thing together with our stream sessions. As a result, we've formed a sort of collective canon of fan/kinda-original characters donut steel out of the player characters from those fames. In some cases they arguably are original characters, they just use canon appearances, or maybe I'm just stretching things a bit.

This page exists to catalogue those sorta-OCs together, if anyone is so inclined to be interested.

Joram Terah

Joram Terah
General Info Played inPersona 3 FES, Reload + spinoffs Canon NameMakoto Yuki SexualityPanromantic, probably ace
See Also: Joram Terah

After his parents die in 2000, Joram ends up shuffled between relatives, homes, and schools. He is unable to form lasting friendships with anyone he meets, leading him to begin to treat relationships extremely transactionally — only finding worth in friendships he can get something out of, and swapping friends out if they fit those same emotional needs.

When he awakens to the power of a Persona and learns about Social Links, he views his connections as merely a means to gain more power, putting on a façade of being agreeable and understanding to whoever he meets, including the worst of people. It takes losing someone close to him to begin to value his friends more closely, and want to protect everyone no matter the cost.

Despite this fake persona (heh), everyone around him is happy to hang out and be friends with him. When not inventing a fake self, Joram is quiet and observant, not likely to exert too much effort unless he's asked. If asked to do anything strenuous, he'll be snarky and callous about it, though eventually concede.

Joram also has something of a compulsion to loudly share spicy secrets about others. He can control this urge by effectively white lying, but otherwise it largely comes from him being unable to handle the cognitive dissonance between his real self and the personas he invents.

Juurou Yasuda

Juurou Yasuda
General Info Played inPersona 5 Royal + spinoffs Canon NameRen Amamiya SexualityHomoromantic, Asexual

After being falsely convicted of assault by Masayoshi Shido, Juurou struggles to trust and make bonds with others due to being perceived as threatening or fake by his classmates. On top of this, the conviction makes him not confident in who he can trust, making him avoid others in turn. He would sooner remain alone and go through life in the shadows, if not for his own Persona awakening and forming the Phantom Thieves. In contrast to Joram, his outwardly apathetic manner comes more from a place of pessimism.

Through the Phantom Thieves he's able express another side to himself — a charismatic show-off with a passion for justice. He hates to see people hurt or wronged through abuse of power, and loves to loudly one-up those that do harm to make sure they cannot continue unnoticed.

Through repeatedly taking on his thief persona, the show-off side of him becomes more prominent and "real", up until he is nearly killed by a supposed ally. This experience leads him to trying to better balance his mellow and playful sides.

The Phantom Thieves also give him the support he needs to reach out to others and begin to make friends again, however in some ways he also ends up overprotective and co-dependant, fearing to lose these bonds again.

Takahiro Kuroda

Takahiro Kuroda
General Info Played inPersona 4 Golden + spinoffs Canon NameYu Narukami SexualityHeteromantic, grey-ace

Takakiro has it a lot easier compared to the others in this page. Despite living in small-town Japan dealing with a string of murders and kidnappings, he has few personal struggles. He is a joker — loving light-hearted pranks and puns, only being overly snarky with trusted friends.

He's able to form bonds and enjoy his Social Links much more freely than the above two protagonists, perhaps to a fault. He has difficulties with time management and finding ways to make everyone happy.

Despite his light-heartedness, he is capable of being analytical and inquisitive, something necessary when solving the local mysteries, and may catch the others by surprise given his usually extroverted nature.

Ends up dating Yukiko, because they're both into bad jokes.

He is related to Hisano Kuroda.

Tsubasa Kato

Tsubasa Kato
General Info Played inShin Megami Tensei V + Vengeance Canon NameNone SexualityAromantic, Asexual

Tsubasa is the embodiment of "I didn't ask for this". After falling into a parallel copy (thereabouts) of Tokyo mixed with the world of demons, he effectively gains a headmate in the form of Aogami, a pseudo-demon that hangs out in his brain and powers his transformation into the Nahobino — a human-demon hybrid. He does not strictly trust Aogami, and would sooner rather his own time and space to draw his own conclusions.

Tsubasa is pessimistic about modern life, the domination of capitalism, and the perception the western world or other countries have of Japan. He's quieter about it than Juurou however — while he has his passion and desire to fix the world, he wallows in his status as a teenager and powerlessness against authoritarianism, rather than do anything about it. Faced with the potential to possibly rewrite the world, it takes him a while to warm up to taking the power into his own hands.

He finds the Nahobino form a curiosity at best. Any charisma or showiness in combat more likely comes from Aogami than himself.

Aderyn Cheung

Aderyn Cheung
General Info Played inPokemon Sword
Caligula Effect 2
Canon NameNone SexualityHeteromantic, Asexual

Aderyn is something of an odd-ball due to our cross-franchise use of her character.

As a Pokemon Trainer, she was frequently shafted or looked down upon by adults around her. She held curiosity about the world, even with a bit of a power-hungry side to pokemon battles. However any attempts to express agency, investigate mysteries, or do anything outside the Gym Battle journey was frequently roadblocked by adults around her as well as the local delinquents.

In Caligula Effect 2, she is an adult dissatisfied with her life, and ends up roped into the virtual reality of Redo. Regardless of if her life is literally that of the Pokemon Trainer or something that follows it more metaphorically, she grew up to be someone with a lot of anxiety about the future because she's never had control over her own destiny. She wishes she had more confidence to put her foot down in those times she was ignored and force her own destiny.

This ironically gets a bit aggravated by the existence of 𝜒 (ki), who awakens Aderyn's Catharsis Effect powers, awareness of being in a virtual reality, and decides to hitch a ride in her brain as a headmate. 𝜒 demands that Aderyn and her friends need to destroy and escape Redo, something she's initially resistant to because of her misgivings about the real world, as well as what other people may think of the simulation.

Aderyn cares a lot about the freedom of others to choose their own lives, even if she might not always agree with them. She wants to help her friends discover their true feelings in times of inner conflict, and get them to their goals when they're certain of it.

  • Tuesday, 21st May 02024
  • fanart.