
There was nothing fulfilling in that previous life. It might be safe, it might even be stable... but that's no longer the life I want.
— Robin, when confronting her parents
Robin is the main protagonist of My RPG: Watashi no RPG!!.
Initially, Robin is perfectly willing to go through the motions in her tiny home village and has no interest in trying new things. Once spurred on by Valentina, she slowly opens up to the idea of exploring the wider world beyond her own, to the point of expressing defiance against her parents.
Comparatively, she's not as hotheaded as her fellow party-goers, and often ends up being the one to talk them down from their bouts of aggression. However Robin is not without her own passion and feelings of what's right and just, something she can struggle to organise in her head.
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Robin's design is based on public domain sprite and face asset work by Japanese artist Rcolo.